But after some contemplation, I am pretty sure I've always wanted to be a woman. So how about putting it this way: I want to look into working for the US Postal service as a City Carrier. According to my Dad, a big part of the exam is intelligence, so I should do well. If I do apply I also will research and look into the preparation book.

I like the idea of wearing long pants (so the dog bites don't get too bad) and good walking shoes and a uniform. I have long been saying that I don't want to write for money. For me, that puts an excessive strain on my writing, creating the closest thing I know to as writers block. I figure as a city carrier, I would walk a good bit which would give me a lot to consider and a lot of time to consider it in.

About five years ago, I told this to my friend who followed his father's steps in rural mail delivery and is now retired. He said I should really put some thought into it. I am thinking still. My therapist said it is a hard job to get. But my Dad says my IQ should help that, (though he adds that military veterans get a 10 percent bonus.)

I really am more attracted to the job because of the walking and sorting and contemplative nature of the menial work rather than the good pay and health insurance and so forth. Realistically speaking, it is a hard job to get, and I might have to have a broad scope as far as where I apply to work, or even I might take a job other than City Carrier, with hopes of promotion.

I hope I am not lying when I say Maggie the mail man is coming soon to a city near you.