I was talking to my mother today and it occurred to me that the most critical strategy I can think of for the Occupy Wall Street movement would be if a group of peaceful people found a way to occupy Guantanamo. However, as my mom pointed out, the result of that, would be the imprisonment of those peaceful people (if not also, water-boarding and other forms of legalized torture). It is my understanding that Obama has not followed through with his promise of closing down this detention camp.

As someone who went to New York and experienced Occupy Wall Street, what I understand about the movement is that every one of the dedicated people who are putting their lives on hold to be there have unique causes that they are independently fighting to defeat the corporate machine. I think it is important for people to understand why the corporations gained this wealth, power, and Orwellian "all people are equal but some people are more equal than other people" person-status. My best heuristic to this why question is this: the United States military industrial complex is a overly large portion of the budget. Some 42% of US tax dollars go to military spending according to the Friends Committee on National Legislation. That number represents a corrupt regime that has been around at least since Reagan was in office. Guantanamo is my version of a microcosm of injustice and justice needs to be served, the justice of peace, of forgiveness, of love, and compassion.

And that is what Occupy Wall Street is about really, isn't it? Just a thought for those who are asking "what's next?"