I know you hurt, here at the end of the line in this class, Walking for Fitness. You did not choose the rear for show. I will wait and walk with you. And since you hurt there and here, let me tell you, push hard today. Walk this pace every day. Eat the right things, my friend, because we all can eat better. Today my back pain did not come on my usual walk, even up the steep hill of Forest. I do not know you well. You will never read this. Maybe someone else will. Don't worry about normal right now. Pass out daisies to unsuspecting people. If a tour from Admissions comes by, tell them it's a free school, OK? And hand them a daisy. Weeds some might see in the grass. Left behind by accident. Left behind in the intention of elevating in us the hopeful glorious feeling that we can lift our voice and say words to help one another. Support people with differences at diversity trainings, like interpersonal rays of sun beaming on the shoulders of our neighbors. Like that time bell hooks put her hand on my shoulder and I felt Goddess. Like the time I felt god.