1. Solo

    Alone and solemn I lay down my head,
    switch the switch.
    Solo, I wake with the rush the sunshine
    gives and takes.

  2. Jealous

    My sister is more publishable,
    more desirable by men,
    and even does better
    on standardized tests.

  3. Happy

    Sweeping the deck to an audiobook,
    I muse at mother nature's
    similar multitasking venture -
    combing through leaves, knocking nuts to dirt.

  4. Truth

    Some sage in Newark
    told me all I need to remember
    if only I can -
    I am a poet, my job is to write poetry.

  5. Thread

    I am a piece of my environment,
    a word I refuse to delete,
    a part of you, hated and loved,
    stepping gingerly, pointedly, by myself.