I am plugging right along with school. Except I am taking this Algebra class that is proof that you can unlearn things without use. (I did very well in Calculus in high school! Algebra is kicking my butt.) For some time I was growing angry and sulky and worried. Until today, I was pretty worried I might be developing a heart condition, as eating too much fat and not exercising can cause me to do. Then somehow I ended up walking to school. I love to walk. Especially in this season. The colors are so brilliant. Walking really cured me of worrying today. My therapist had said I "over-identify" with bipolar disorder. Walking is something I will gladly take in place of illness. It was 45 Maggie minutes each way. I'd say at least 4 miles. I was simply walking to the campus and the library from the professor's house where I am living. Walking alone is my favorite thing today. It makes me sentimental about this time. This fall might be my last one in Berea before I graduate. I am working on two main goals now: being nice and being confident. I can be a bully and a sulker, so I think those are a nice pair of goals to add with my walks. I have no idea what I am doing after college. At least I do know what I am doing now!