The chug, chug of the washing machine shakes the branch of a midnight owl.
I might just finish this 11 year period with a degree in hand! I sure hope I can do it.
Razor It is easy to shower, to slather my legs, smoothing soapy white cream on my skin like washing down a rug of hair scraped off of skin. Women in every country do twice the heavy lifting of the men and boys and get much less the pay. When our little sisters and our daughters hit puberty, we try to show them how much we love our hair, how natural it feel, that leg hair kept is activism.
Hijab Why do I wear this scarf for this? I cannot decide for myself how to dress my body, what amount of flesh is appropriate to show above my eyes. Why is it that American woman want to be invisible? Why can’t I have the luxury of Western woman? Bold; provocative; sensual. Lady Gaga. I am not timid. I am not timid! I am not timid, underneath this burqe!!
peach fuzz
autumn chill
beach buzz
free will
I am wondering if I can make mathematics as beautiful through words as Rachel Carson justifies the sea and Aldo Leopold flatters grasslands. Nature writers have an easier job at explaining the beauty of things. Most people can look at tangerine colored maple leaves with appreciation. Not all of us have been given a proper appreciation of mathematics. I want to write about math in a way that draws readers in. I am not Euclid by any means, just a 29 year old who took Calculus when 17, working hard to make a B in college Algebra. Is it possible to make math interesting through writing?
On a kitchen counter top,
Some boggy berries burp and pop.
They simmer like a molten clay
For in the pie shell they'll soon lay.
The berries spurt and jump around.
Like jumping beans with sombreros
Knowing they will end where all of Bog's Creation goes.