If I was naming a coffee shop, like this one in SC, I would play a little more with the last syllable of the name they have: "Coffee Underground." As is, it sounds like the coffee is not well enough beaten into black pulp. Enough on that though.
I have been doing this amazing new thing: reading like a book glutton. First, I spent most of my time in SC reading the dissertation that I read as part of my job. I was glad to do that. Oh I could go on and on. It enriched me in so many ways and was the push I need to explore careers, further education, or just added literacy.
Then I got a book on kindle: Healing Depression and Bipolar Disorder w/o Drugs. This is such a big topic. Worth breaking down in many entries.
My passcode to use the internet here is BE4PHD. A sign saying enrich your mind. Continue learning and reading and writing after graduation.